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Yes, we are nearing the end of this cycle of ‘civilization’

April 4, 2010

Of course, civilization is a really strange word for the construct we live in. One of the men in the know, being asked what he thought of Western Civilization, once famously answered it sounds like a good idea.

And one of his compatriots added: “It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”

Today I came across another quote, just after reading about a story on Argusoog about janitors of apartment buildings now being trained in the Netherlands to spot domestic violence. This story, showing once more how far the invasion by Big Brother of our private domain has already come, is aggravated by personal experience: only a few weeks ago I got implicitly threatened by a doctor to report me to the Dutch ‘Child Protection’ Agency, after not allowing my one year old son to be inoculated with Prednison.

The quote I’m referring to is by Edward Gibbon:

“The Five Causes of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

1. The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home, which is the basis of human society;
2. Higher and higher taxes: the spending of public money for free bread and circuses for the populace;
3. The mad craze for pleasure, with sports and plays becoming more exciting, more brutal and more immoral;
4. The building of great armaments when the real enemy was within — the decay of individual responsibility;
5. The decay of religion, whose leaders lost their touch with life, and their power to guide the people.”

The story about janitors spying on people for signs of abuse and the first item on Gibbons list is of course what made me connect them.

The ‘Higher and higher taxes’ is very relevant today also. Western States need to organize the income to pay off the bankers. The ‘spending of public money for free bread and circuses for the populace’ is also very relevant, of course, in the welfare states of the 20th century. But the welfare for the extremely rich adds a new twist to Gibbon’s analysis.

‘The mad craze for pleasure’ is there. Sports, as in the days of the Romans, but today we also have ‘entertainment’. The bizarre and ever growing media exposure for ‘celebs’. People who have achieved nothing, but get more and more air time.

But of course the main dish in this regard today is sex. More and more of it in more and more circumstances. For instance little girl scouts being educated by the killers of unborn babies, Planned Parenthood:
“Improve your sex life by getting to know your own body. Play with yourself! Masturbation is a great way to find out more about your body and what you find sexually stimulating. Mix things up by using different kinds of touch from very soft to hard. Talk about or act out your fantasies. Talk dirty to them.”

The building of great armaments while the real enemy is within.
The West, as are China and Russia, are building up vast arsenals. In both Russia and the West, the enemy from within is well known. China is more obscure, from my point of view, but I have no doubt that their enemy is from within as well. It is the way of the world, after all.

These arsenals are being created for the final confrontation with each other. A confrontation we seem to need to open our eyes to the real enemy.

And ‘the decay of religion’. Not just the Catholic Church, also being destroyed by the enemy from within, but also, in the Netherlands, tram drivers being forbidden to wear necklaces with a cross. Stories like these have been surfacing all over the Western World. It is now considered ‘hate’ to express your religious beliefs, because the atheists are offended by it.

The only argument I have with Gibbon’s list is that his fifth is my first.

Because it is our lack of faith that is our true problem, as it was with the Roman Empire. All four other items are an automatic result of us not being in the Spirit.

As it has been said: “Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” and “Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham” (Galatians 3.3 and 3.7).

Let us pray for the enemy from within. Let us pray for Barack Obama. For Sarkozy, Berlusconi, for Gordon Brown and Angela Merkel. Let us pray for Vladimir Putin and Medvedev. Let us pray for Benedict and Rahm Emanuel. For Wouter Bos and Balkenende, for Herman van Rompuy. For Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad. For Nout Wellink, Alan Greenspan, Ben Shalom Bernanke and Jean Claude Trichet. For Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Let us pray for the Rothschilds that rule today and for their predecessors.

Let us pray for all the servants of Satan.

Let us forgive them for the pain they have brought us, and continue to bring us.

It is our best hope to dampen the cataclysm that is now closer than ever. The cataclysm that so many seem to need to find the One True Love.

The cataclysm that is necessary to end this nightmare of ‘civilization’.

So that at last the Kingdom of God can materialize in this poor, wretched place.

From → NWO

  1. Ed Tindal permalink

    Helaas beste Anton, religieuze nonsens is geen afdoend antwoord op een decadente maatschappij. Hierbij gediskwalificeerd.


    • Hoi Ed,

      Ja, ik voel met je mee. Tot vijf jaar terug had ik ook helemaal niets met God.
      Hij heeft een nogal beroerde reputatie overgehouden vanwege allerlei dubieuze clubjes die pretenderen namens Hem te spreken. Gelukkig hebben die in Europa hun ledental de laatste decennia flink terug zien lopen.

      Echter: we hebben met het badwater het kind ook weggegooid, begon ik me later te realiseren.

      ‘Geloven’ is meer iets voor kinderen, dat zou ik niemand aanbevelen, zeker geen intelligente kerels. God is echter iets wat onderzocht moet worden. Door meditatie (wat niet religieus is, het boeddhisme kent geen God) en door het bestuderen van geschriften als het Nieuwe Testament en de Baghavad Gita. Vanuit die studie kan een begin worden gemaakt met vertrouwen in God.
      Een vertrouwensrelatie is gebaseerd op ervaring.

      Ik kom niet in kerken, maar ik merk dat ik iedere dag meer op God vertrouw. Omdat het werkt.

      Geloven is irrationeel en niet gebaseerd op ervaringsgegevens. Geloven dat God niet bestaat is net zo onbewijsbaar als geloven dat hij wel bestaat.
      God vraagt echter om een wetenschappelijke benadering: Zijn bestaan kan proefondervindelijk worden vastgesteld.

  2. I tended to agree with your article as far as the beginning of your quotation of Edward Gibbon. Unfortunately, the number of singular reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman empire had reached the number of 212 around the year 1985, about which time a printed overview was published listing them all. Up to then, that is. Most likely the number has reached 250 by now, and there´s little reason to suppose this growth has come to an end.
    Obviously, the reasons Gibbon summed up can easily be shortcircuited into one word: decadence. Most probably this is the right outcome of the analysis of what ails our society, but it is equally certain that there´s no cure for it, but the complete downfall of Western civilisation.

    Just one bit of advice: buy a medieval fortress (somewhere in France or Germany), be sure it is stocked well at all times, go live there and hope for the best.

    Good luck.

  3. Moshe permalink

    God was created by Man for his political purposes. In an era where Utilitarianism is the only possible religion, our societies have a great a task to do.

  4. Interesting article and so on point. In the flesh those names can make one cringe. But by prayer, can the miraculous take place, even if our leadership fails to engage.

  5. Mary permalink

    The prayers are priceless!! All that matters is prayer and forgiveness for those who are/have hurting our societies. Through prayer we are shown what actions to take to help our societies.

    God bless you.

  6. Kevin Boyle permalink

    Excellent article Anthony. Thank you. It really is astonishing that society at large tolerates these developments re ‘sex education’.

  7. Leuke site!. Er zijn nog weinig goede sites over dit onderwerp te vinden.
    Ben blij met jullie post!
    Ik kan helaas geen bookmark aanmaken naar in Firefox. 🙁 Weten jullie hoe dit komt?

    Groetjes Barbara

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  1. Yes, We Are Nearing The End Of This Cycle Of “Civilization” | The Open Free Press

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